How Do Dental Implants Work for Smile Restoration?
Dental patients having a missing or lost tooth are often recommended for dental implant surgery for smile restoration. But a number of such patients do not know what implants are all about. Taking care of replaced teeth in the mouth is best done when you know in detail about the kind of teeth replacement treatment you are having. The reason why implants are highly recommended for tooth replacement is because of their long-term benefits. During the surgery, a metal post is surgically positioned in the jawbone which is then topped with a dental crown or replacement tooth, attached with an abutment. While there are a number of reasons why you may need implants, teeth decay, gum disease, and injury are most common.
How exactly do dental implants work and why are they highly beneficial? Learn more about their advantages here:
Steps for Smile Restoration
Before the procedure, the teeth and jaw structure will be examined to check for the required jaw bone density, suitable for dental implants. Following this, expert Surrey dentists, specializing in dental implants, will insert the metal implant into the jawbone with a surgical procedure. After the successful implant procedure, dental patients are called upon to check the progress of jaw bone fusion with the inserted implant. Based on the overall teeth structure, a custom designed dental crown will then be mounted over the implant to resemble a natural tooth-like structure. For lasting benefits, it is best to be served with dental implants earlier in time after the tooth loss.
Why Opt for Dental Implants for Missing Teeth
An individual having missing tooth or teeth faces a number of problems, including difficulty in chewing and speaking. But with a successful dental implant procedure, all such difficulties can be resolved. Among the prime benefits of implants, there is an improved appearance and a restored smile. Implants look like natural teeth and thus, improve the overall smile. Loss of a tooth in the smile zone is best served with this advance dental procedure. Implants are fixed, and thus serve as a long-term, permanent solution for teeth replacement. They are also protective in nature, as they help preserve the jaw bone and prevent its resorption. Also, the natural teeth adjacent to the missing tooth site do not get affected with a implant procedure.
If you are looking for an impressive smile restoration solution to boost your confidence and improve your smile, visit New Smile Dental Clinic in Surrey!