
Bad Breath in Kids: Causes and Solutions

Bad breath, in medical terms, is known as halitosis. It is quite a prevalent condition, particularly in kids, and common causes include dehydration, certain foods, or even some underlying medical conditions. Other reasons are enlarged tonsils, acid reflux, medications, gum disease, tooth decay, and even infections in the nasal respiratory path. It is pretty common to see parents concerned by their children’s bad breath. It also occurs in teenagers, and they find discussing this topic embarrassing. But, one can alleviate halitosis by being aware of the common causes. So, here in this blog, we shall discuss some reasons and their solutions.

Common Causes and Solutions of Halitosis

Some children can indeed have bad breath even after brushing. This is because brushing alone is not able to clean the teeth. Food particles remain entrapped, and what is needed is flossing to remove those. Floss comes in various forms, such as traditional floss and handle flossers. What is essential is that it should follow the contour of the tooth and go underneath the gums. Proper storage of the toothbrush is also crucial. One should keep it in an upright position, making sure that it is not touching anything. It helps bristles in drying, and the growth of bacteria would be controlled. As is common knowledge, replacing a toothbrush every three months or whenever it looks worn is also helpful.

Dehydration of the mouth is the leading cause of halitosis. What really happens is insufficient intake of water results in the reduction of saliva production. A saliva-less oral environment is an ideal breeding ground for bad-breath-causing bacteria. For this, parents should encourage kids to drink plentiful water. Food with onions and garlic as ingredients also contributes to bad breath, releasing volatile sulphur compounds in the digestive tract. As such, rinsing the mouth with water or chewing sugar-free gum can quickly mitigate the bad breath effects of onion and garlic by stimulating saliva production.

Despite following the above, some children still suffer from halitosis. For these, rinsing the mouth with fluoride is a good option. However, care must be taken for selecting children-friendly, free-of-alcohol options. One more culprit which contributes to bad breath is breathing from the mouth. Mainly, it occurs due to blockage of the nasal respiratory path due to infections and allergies. This requires medical attention if mouth breathing remains persistent.

Bad breath is also a signal of underlying health conditions. One such condition is acid reflux. For this, one should meet a pediatrician and seek guidance regarding diet changes, medications, or a combination of both. Sometimes, it occurs due to enlarged tonsils as they harbour bad breath-causing bacteria. For alleviating this, an ENT specialist’s help is needed. Some dental issues, such as gum disease or tooth cavities, might lead to foul breath, which must be treated promptly by consulting a dental specialist. So, overall, what is needed is addressing the root causes of halitosis. Primary methods include increasing water, maintaining good oral hygiene, and seeking dental or medical help whenever necessary.

At New Smile Dental Clinic on Scott Road, we have a team of experienced and compassionate dentists ready to address any concerns about halitosis during your child’s dental check-up. We can individually recommend dental hygiene techniques and treatments for your child’s needs! Schedule an appointment today.

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