Dental Erosion – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, and its loss is referred to as dental erosion. Acidic foods and beverages you consume gradually wear away the enamel. Also, acids coming from your stomach can make the enamel thin and slowly cause it to disappear.Due to these acids, the crystals that make your teeth dissolve and the tooth surface decays. The acids can soften your tooth surface therefore, the tooth surface wears away because of tooth grinding or abrasion.
Stomach Acids
You have many strong acids in your stomach. These acids are there to digest the foods. However, several times, these acids come in your mouth via vomiting and heartburn.Getting in contact with your teeth, these acids start damaging it.
Dietary Products
Many food products contain acids so are harmful for your teeth. Some common foods and drinks that have high levels of acids in them are soft drinks, energy drinks, citrus foods, lemon-flavored drinks and teas, most fruit juices, vitamin waters, vitamin c tablets, wine, vinegar, pre-mixed alcoholic drinks, and processed foods.
Loss of Tooth Surface
Disappeared tooth surface is a sign of dental erosion. When the surface of your teeth disappears, you notice a smooth and shiny appearance.
If you experience sensations while having hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks, you should understand that enamel has gotten eroded, and you should visit your dentist in Surrey fast to protect the loss of the surface of other teeth.
Why Can’t You Ignore Dental Erosion and How Can You Prevent It?
Untreated, dental erosion can result in the loss of the surface of the tooth. Once your tooth surface is lost, the treatment will become more complex.
Dental erosion comes about because of acidic foods and beverages, limiting the quantity of the acidic foods and beverages can be the best way to avoid dental erosion. Here are some tips that will help curb the intake of acids.
- Avoid soft drinks or juice and drink fluoridated water.
- Eat fruits at meals rather than at any other time.
- When drinking acidic drinks such as fruit juices or soft drinks, drink them fast.
- Don’t chewvitamin c tablets. Instead, take a tablet that can be swallowed whole.
- Chew sugar free chewing gums after meals, as this will increase saliva flow.
- Rinse your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash
- Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste.
- Wear night guard if you grind your teeth.
Treatment for Dental Erosion
Dental erosion is unpleasant. However, the good news is it is not incurable. Its treatment completely depends on the severity of the damage. If the damage is minor, your dentist in Surrey may recommend the strengthening of remaining enamel with a quality toothpaste. In contrast, if the damage is severe, your Surrey dentist may recommend restorations such as dental bonding.
Dental bonding is a resin that your dentist in Surrey will apply to the damaged enamel to restore its appearance. The dentist uses the resin matching with your existing teeth so that the tooth surface on which resin is applied should not look different. Bonding may also be used to change the shape of your teeth and make them look less rounded.
Your dentist may recommend fillings too. They will ask you to get the damaged teeth surface replaced with filling materials or crowns.
If you visit your Surrey dentist once every six months, they will identify the tooth erosion early and provide the best treatment based on the condition. Also, they will help you avoid further damage to your teeth. At the same time, they will check your teeth and gums for other probable oral health conditions, and if they notice any issue, they will recommend treatment for that as well.
Visit a dentist in Surrey every six months. The best thing is, you don’t need to waste your valuable time in looking for a specialized dentist because you have already found one.