
Diagnosis and Treatment of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a chronic gum infection that damages your gums, jawbone, and teeth. The disease also causes bad breath, pain, swelling, and tissue degradation. If you don’t get treatment from a reliable dentist in Surrey, then it can cause serious health concerns, such as heart problems, diabetes, and cancer.

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However, an important point to consider here is, these above-mentioned signs may be because of cavity or infected teeth as well. One more probability is, you may have both cavities and periodontal disease. So, you should make no assumptions yourself and book an appointment with a reputable dentist in Surrey. The dentist will examine your teeth and reach a professional decision as to whether you are suffering from a periodontal disease, cavity, or both.

Though periodontal disease can happen to any individual, there are several things that make you more prone to periodontal disease. For example, poor oral care and lack of proper nutrients in your body. In most individuals, periodontal disease begins with plaque that is formed due to the eating of starches and sugars.Bacteria in plaque can cause a periodontal disease.

Periodontitis can come in several forms. The most common types of periodontitis are chronic periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis, and Necrotizing periodontal disease. Chronic periodontitis is caused by plaque building up on the teeth. It mostly affects adults. However, children could also get affected, but in much lesser numbers. Aggressive periodontitis is generally occurs in childhood or early adulthood and is reported in less people. Necrotizing periodontal disease is a periodontal disease in which gum tissues, tooth ligaments, and jawbones go dead, causing severe oral infection.

Whether you think you have a periodontal disease or not, to make sure, your dentist Surrey needs to review your medical history, examine your mouth for the buildup of plaque and tartar, and measure the groove depth between your teeth and gums. In general, pocket depth should be 1-3mm, but if it is more than 5mm, it may be because of periodontitis. Moreover, your dentist Surrey may recommend that you need dental x-ray to check for bone loss.

Periodontal disease may be treated both surgically and non-surgically. Your dentist will recommend a treatment based on their findings and observation. If they believe medication will work, they will prescribe you medicinesalong with a less invasive procedure. But, if they find medication will not work, they will recommend you get surgery. In non-surgical treatment, your dentist may use tooth scaling, root planning, and antibiotics. In surgical treatment, your dentist may perform pocket reduction surgery, tissue grafting, bone grafting, and tissue regeneration. Also, the dentist may provide you with tissue-stimulating proteins.

If in a dental examination, your doctor finds you are free from periodontal disease, then you should think about taking measures to avoid it in the future. You can prevent a periodontal disease with some simple changes in your oral health care habits.You should brush your teeth after meals with a soft-bristled toothbrush and quality plaque removal toothpaste. You can ask your dentist for their recommendation for it as well. Don’t forget to clean your tongue after you brush your teeth. Moreover, floss your teeth before going to bed at night. You should use a quality mouthwash to reduce plaque. If somebody in your family has already suffered from periodontal disease, then you should meet your dentist Surrey to avoid its likelihood.

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