
Five Tips To Prevent Oral Cancer

Oral cancer or mouth cancer may occur in anyone. However, those people who consume tobacco or alcohol are at more risk of it. Oral cancer may occur and develop in the oral cavity. It is a serious health condition that may cause injury or death.

In this blog, we are going to share five tips to prevent oral cancer.

Correct Your Eating Habits

You should work on your food habits immediately and make it healthy. You should include those foods in your diet that are rich in anti-oxidants. Give place to fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Remove preservatives and processed foods. Avoid artificial flavours from your food. Avoid red meat as well as processed meat. Replace your regular tea with green tea. Take at least an apple a day.

Be Careful of Human Papilloma Virus

Human Papilloma Virus commonly known as HPV is most commonly sexually transmitted infection. Many people carry this virus with them unknowingly, so the only way to avoid this virus infection is to be careful in smooching, oral sex, and sharing the drinks with somebody. However, an important point to notice is, HPV virus are quite common in smokers. HPV vaccination can reduce the risk of the infection.

Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

The exposure to excessive sunlight creates the risk of lip cancer that may later spread to other parts of the mouth as well. It may cause skin cancer as well. If you cannot avoid the exposure to the sun then you should use lip balm and sunscreen lotion with high SPF.

Quit Tobacco and Alcohol

Tobacco users are 3 times more likely and alcoholics are six times more likely to be affected by mouth cancer. Therefore, you should quit this bad habit as soon as possible.

Visit Your Dentist Twice A Year

You should visit your dentist for dental check-up twice a year. If your dentist notices anything suspicious, then they will ask for cancer screening.

Considering these five tips will help you prevent oral cancer very much, and they will help you ensure early cancer detection if that unfortunately occur and allow you to take the treatment before the disease becomes incurable.

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